Cloud migration

Migrate to the cloud, safely

Safeguard your cloud migration with a foundation for cloud security that drives operational efficiency.

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Success criteria

Scale security alongside your cloud migration

Migrating to the cloud requires a monumental shift in technologies, skills, and processes. Wiz helps organizations secure the cloud, develop strong processes, and upskill their teams.

Create a path for smooth migration

Connect and see the full picture of your cloud environment today and as it changes in the future, no matter what technologies and providers your business chooses.

Build a security foundation that enables innovation

Embed security as a default in your strategy, processes, and culture that enables cloud builders to innovate and adopt technologies without introducing undue risk and poor cloud hygiene.

Effortlessly scale security

Implement security best practices that scale alongside your cloud without additional management overhead and that drive operational efficiency across your security and development teams.

Full visibility into any environment

Scan your entire cloud environment agentlessly with unified coverage across clouds and compute architectures with a one-time deployment that eliminates manual overhead. Keep up to date with a full inventory of all the technologies and services in your cloud that automatically scales with your growing environment.

Prioritized, context-rich risk reduction

Ensure cloud readiness by proactively monitoring to identify and prioritize critical risks and minimize your attack surface. Correlate cloud risks across multiple risk factors to understand toxic combinations with out-of-the-box cloud controls and remediation guidance.

Scale cloud security across teams

Create clear boundaries for your evolving cloud environment with Wiz Projects so teams can focus on the areas they own. Build custom automations for your technology stack and processes in place to today or that the business chooses to adopt in the future.

Ensure cloud compliance

Continuously monitor and assess your environment to ensure compliance with any framework, and automate reporting to leadership.

Case study

How Mars affected a sea change in its cloud security

Over 8-12 months with Wiz, Mars was able to affect a sea change in their security posture. They got a full asset inventory of their cloud environment for the first time and were able to make measurable improvements to their security posture across the board.

Read full storyMars

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Ready to see Wiz in action?

“Best User Experience I have ever seen, provides full visibility to cloud workloads.”
David EstlickCISO
“Wiz provides a single pane of glass to see what is going on in our cloud environments.”
Adam FletcherChief Security Officer
“We know that if Wiz identifies something as critical, it actually is.”
Greg PoniatowskiHead of Threat and Vulnerability Management