Wiz code

Start Secure From Code.

Unified security across code, CI/CD, and cloud environments.

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Trusted by more than 40% of Fortune 100 companies

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Meet your developers where they are

Fix security issues directly in your IDE, pull requests, or CI/CD to prevent risks from reaching your cloud.

Remediate your cloud risks in code with one click

Wiz code-to-cloud mapping traces risks in cloud environments back to the source code. Empower your dev and security teams with one-click fix suggestions directly within the source code.

Secure code and the development pipeline

Reduce risks that span your code and pipeline configurations. Detect vulnerabilities, exposed secrets, and misconfigurations to prevent risks from reaching production.

our wiz experts are here to help
our wiz experts are here to help
our wiz experts are here to help

Ready to protect your cloud?

Schedule a call with a Wiz expert

Siloed tools mean less context and prioritization

Unified Security Policy From Commit to Runtime

Assess critical risks across your code and CI/CD


Gain visibility into every software component. Detect vulnerabilities in direct and transitive dependencies and prioritize the reachable ones with runtime context from the Wiz sensor.

Infrastructure as Code Scanning
Infrastructure as Code Scanning

Scan IaC for misconfigurations and validate against 1,000+ rules for Terraform, CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, Kubernetes, Docker, and more. Detect drift and trace resources from the cloud to your code for precise and effective remediation.

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Secrets Scanning
Secrets Scanning

Find and fix hardcoded secrets in code, IaC templates, and container images. Prevent lateral movement and protect your cloud resources and sensitive data.

DSPM in code
DSPM in code

Identify and classify sensitive data like PHI and PII within your codebase. Ensure compliance and protect against accidental data exposure.

Malware Scanning
Malware Scanning

Detect and eliminate malware in your codebase before it reaches your CI runners and cloud environments.

Code & CI/CD Security Posture
Code & CI/CD Security Posture

Harden VCS and CI/CD systems against misconfigurations and insecure defaults. Build trust in your software delivery pipeline and supply chain. Ensure compliance with industry standards (OpenSSF Best Practices for SCM, OWASP TOP10 CI/CD Risks, CIS for GitHub and GitLab...)

Fix it faster. Build it once, build it right.

Save time and resources with complete visibility into the SDLC and developer autonomy to code with security context.

Faster Remediation icon

Faster Remediation

Resolve cloud issues 10x faster by suggesting remediation at the correct place in the source code.

Proactive Prevention icon

Proactive Prevention

Prevent risks before they reach production with developer guardrails–enforcing a zero critical issues policy in production environments.

Smart Prioritization icon

Smart Prioritization

Keep your developers focused on real issues in code by adding reachability and runtime context to code issues.

Don't just take our word for it

“ I have not seen anything else right now that can give you as big of an impact as Wiz. ”
Igor TsyganskiyChief Technology OfficerBridgewater Associates

Don't just take our word for it

“ Within a day of deployment, Wiz worked across our entire environment and showed us a set of critical findings that everyone should prioritize immediately. ”
Melody HildebrantCISOFox

Don't just take our word for it

“ I'm a doctor, I take care of people, I was trained in preventative medicine. Wiz is like preventative medicine for us. ”
Alex SteinleitnerPresident & CEOArtisan

Don't just take our word for it

“ This new depth and breadth of visibility really made us pay attention. We were able to scan tenants and find new critical issues very quickly. ”
Alex SchuchmanCISOColgate-Palmolive

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Ready to see Wiz in action?

“Best User Experience I have ever seen, provides full visibility to cloud workloads.”
David EstlickCISO
“Wiz provides a single pane of glass to see what is going on in our cloud environments.”
Adam FletcherChief Security Officer
“We know that if Wiz identifies something as critical, it actually is.”
Greg PoniatowskiHead of Threat and Vulnerability Management