Source Code Leaks: Risks, Examples, and Prevention

In this blog post, we’ll explore security measures and continuous monitoring strategies to prevent these leaks, mitigating the risks posed by security vulnerabilities, human error, and attacks.

Wiz Experts Team
4 minutes read

What is a source code leak?

A source code leak is a type of code leak that can expose proprietary information, leading to severe security vulnerabilities and intellectual property theft. With the rise of cloud-based development, API tokens, and open-source libraries, the threat landscape has expanded significantly. For example, Wiz’s State of the Cloud 2023 report indicates that 47% of companies have publicly exposed infrastructure tools, heightening the risk of source code leakage. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore security measures and continuous monitoring strategies to prevent these leaks, mitigating the risks posed by security vulnerabilities, human error, and attacks. First, let’s take a look at some notable examples of source code leaks.

Real-life examples of code leaks

The breaches described below not only highlight the severe consequences of source code leaks but also provide valuable insights into the potential risks your organization might face:

Microsoft’s Windows 10 and Xbox breach

In May 2020, Microsoft experienced a significant breach when portions of the source code for Windows NT 3.5 and Xbox were leaked online. Three years earlier, in June 2017, a leak of 1.2 GB of data included the source code for part of the Windows 10 operating system. Both breaches raised immediate security concerns because the exposure of source code could allow hackers to uncover and exploit vulnerabilities within the system.

NVIDIA attack

In February 2022, NVIDIA suffered a major cyberattack by the Lapsus$ hacking group. The attackers claimed to have stolen 1 TB of data. The exposure of this information risked revealing trade secrets and also made NVIDIA’s products more vulnerable to reverse-engineering and security exploits. The incident highlighted the growing threat posed by organized cybercriminal groups and the importance of robust cybersecurity defenses to protect intellectual property in an increasingly digital and interconnected world​.

Risks leading to source code leaks

Understanding how source code leaks happen is the first step toward protecting your organization from the severe impacts of source code leaks, including heightened security vulnerabilities and significant financial and reputational damage:

  • Internal leaks: Source code leakage stems from both external attacks and internal oversights. Common sources of internal leaks include insecure API tokens, misconfigured infrastructure tools, and unsecured internal source code repositories. For instance, unverified container images from public registries can introduce malicious code into an organization’s software supply chain, exposing critical vulnerabilities. 

  • External hacks and vulnerabilities: Cybercriminals employ various techniques to steal source code, often exploiting security vulnerabilities or leveraging social engineering tactics. Common methods like phishing and social engineering involve attackers deceiving employees into revealing credentials or granting unauthorized access. Additionally, advanced persistent threats (APTs) involve long-term infiltration efforts, during which attackers remain undetected while extracting valuable internal source code. Vulnerabilities in third-party services and outdated software are also commonly exploited by threat actors to gain unauthorized access​.

  • Accidental disclosure: In these scenarios, human error or poor security practices lead to public source code exposure. Developers might unintentionally expose API tokens or sensitive code snippets in public repositories or misconfigure cloud storage buckets that are then accessed by unauthorized users. Such incidents often stem from a lack of continuous monitoring and insufficient security measures, highlighting the importance of strict access controls and regular audits.

Preventing source code leaks

Preventing source code leaks requires a comprehensive approach that combines secure coding practices, continuous monitoring, and robust supply chain security. To protect yourself, follow these best practices:

  • Implement secure coding practices: Ensure adherence to coding standards, consistently review code, and leverage tools that promote secure coding practices. These practices help to minimize vulnerabilities within your source code from the outset. To get detailed insights on these practices, check out Wiz’s secure coding practices blog post

  • Utilize a software bill of materials (SBOM): SBOMs are critical for tracking and managing software components, ensuring that all dependencies are accounted for and updated. By keeping an accurate inventory of software components, SBOMs help to identify outdated or vulnerable dependencies that could otherwise be exploited​.

  • Leverage software composition analysis (SCA): SCA tools are essential to identifying risks within open-source components, allowing organizations to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities introduced through third-party code. Using SCA solutions ensures that any third-party libraries used in your projects do not become entry points for attackers​.

  • Enhance supply chain security: Strengthening supply chain security involves rigorous vetting of third-party vendors, implementing strict access controls, and continuously monitoring vulnerabilities. To learn more about securing all software development lifecycle stages from external threats, check out Wiz’s best practices for supply chain security.


Source code leaks and vulnerabilities pose a significant threat to modern software development, but Wiz Code is designed to mitigate these risks effectively. With built-in tools for automated scanning, AI-driven vulnerability detection, and continuous monitoring, Wiz helps developers identify and resolve issues early in the software development lifecycle.

Figure 1: Wiz conducts security scans as you write code.

By integrating real-time feedback into the development process, Wiz Code enables teams to spot and fix vulnerabilities as they arise, ensuring that security is built into every stage of development. Additionally, our industry-leading platform’s cloud-to-code mapping feature provides comprehensive visibility, empowering security teams to track risks and vulnerabilities across the entire development ecosystem.

With Wiz Code, your team can streamline collaboration, reduce security debt, and maintain a strong security posture throughout development—from code creation to production.

To learn more about how Wiz Code can protect your development environments, check out Introducing Wiz Code or schedule a demo today.

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