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Kubernetes Clusters: A Security Review

A Kubernetes cluster consists of a group of node machines designed to run applications within containers.

6 minutes read

A Kubernetes cluster consists of a group of node machines designed to run applications within containers. Because they enable secure and seamless management and orchestration of containerized applications, Kubernetes clusters ensure that organizations can meet their unique and dynamic resource requirements.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the benefits of using Kubernetes clusters, explain the key components of clusters, examine common security risks, and outline best practices for setting up a secure Kubernetes environment. 

Benefits of using Kubernetes clusters

Scalability: Automated scaling features

Kubernetes excels at effortlessly scaling applications. With built-in automated scaling features, it can adjust the number of running containers based on current demand. Thanks to horizontal pod autoscaling, which monitors resource utilization and scales the application pods accordingly, applications can manage fluctuating loads automatically.

High availability: Redundancy and failover mechanisms

Kubernetes meets availability goals by providing robust redundancy and failover mechanisms. The control plane components (such as the API server and etcd) can be replicated across multiple nodes to prevent a single point of failure. Additionally, Kubernetes’s self-healing abilities mean that failed containers are replaced automatically and nodes can be cordoned off and drained without impacting the overall application availability.

Resource efficiency: Optimized resource utilization

As we’ve seen, one of Kubernetes’s standout features is its ability to optimize resource utilization. By efficiently managing CPU, memory, and storage resources across nodes, Kubernetes minimizes waste and ensures that applications have the resources they need. 

Kubernetes gives you a high level of control: Containers can be scheduled on nodes with the right capacity, and resource quotas can be set to prevent any single application from monopolizing resources. Optimization facilitates significant cost savings, especially in environments with fluctuating resource requirements.

Flexibility and portability: Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployment

If you’re looking to escape vendor lock-in, Kubernetes provides exceptional flexibility and portability. By abstracting the underlying infrastructure, Kubernetes makes it possible to move workloads seamlessly between on-premises data centers and public clouds, facilitating a truly hybrid cloud strategy.

Operational effectiveness: Managed vs. self-managed Kubernetes

When adopting Kubernetes, organizations can choose between managed and self-managed options, each with its own set of benefits:

Managed Kubernetes services—provided by CSPs like Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure—simplify the operational aspects of running a Kubernetes cluster. These services handle the provisioning, scaling, and upgrading of the cluster, allowing developers to focus on application development. Managed Kubernetes services also provide automatic updates and patches, ensuring the cluster is always running with the latest security updates.

For organizations that require greater control and customization, the self-managed Kubernetes model may be the preferred choice. Self-managed clusters allow for tailored configurations to meet specific needs and potentially lower costs by optimizing resource usage and avoiding the overhead of managed services. However, this approach requires a deeper understanding of Kubernetes and a commitment to managing the operational aspects, including updates and security patches.

Components of a Kubernetes cluster

To make the most of Kubernetes clusters, it’s crucial to understand their components:

The control plane is the brain of the Kubernetes cluster, responsible for maintaining the system’s optimum state. Control plane components run in master nodes and include the:

  • API server: Functions as the central management point and provides the Kubernetes API

  • Scheduler: Allocates workloads to nodes by considering resource availability and various constraints

  • Controller manager: Operates multiple controllers to ensure the cluster remains in its desired state

Worker nodes are the cluster nodes where containerized applications are actively executed. Each worker node includes the:

  • kubelet: Ensures that applications packaged as pods are up and running

  • kube-proxy: Manages network communication inside and outside the cluster

  • Container runtime: Operates the containers on nodes

Figure 1: Kubernetes components (Source: Kubernetes)

Security risks in Kubernetes clusters

While Kubernetes offers numerous advantages, it also introduces new security challenges. Let’s take a closer look at the top risks:


Misconfigurations are among the most common security risks in Kubernetes clusters. They can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, and other vulnerabilities. Using default settings and public IaC files for sensitive configurations like authentication and authorization can expose the Kubernetes API and running applications.

Container vulnerabilities

Containers can contain vulnerabilities that, if exploited, compromise the security of the virtual machines, nodes, and even the entire cluster. Risks associated with container images include using outdated or unpatched container images and incorporating third-party images without proper security vetting.

Network threats

Kubernetes clusters are susceptible to network-based attacks, and effective network segmentation and policies are key means of mitigating these threats. By segmenting the network, you can isolate different parts of the cluster, reducing the potential attack surface. Network policies complement this approach by defining how pods can communicate with each other and with external services, thereby enforcing strict communication rules and further enhancing security.

Secrets management

Securely managing secrets—such as passwords and API keys—is crucial in a Kubernetes environment. Improper handling of secrets can lead to severe security breaches. Kubernetes provides mechanisms like Secrets and ConfigMaps to manage sensitive information securely, but it's essential to use encryption and access control mechanisms to protect these secrets from unauthorized access.

Runtime security

Even with proper configurations and hardened containers, runtime security remains a critical concern. During the operation of the cluster, intruders can exploit weaknesses to create shadow pods, generate drift in running containers, or perform other malicious activities. Continuous monitoring, anomaly detection, and employing runtime security tools are necessary steps that allow you to identify and mitigate these risks promptly. 

Access control

Improper access controls can lead to unauthorized actions and data breaches. Kubernetes-native RBAC (role-based access control) gives you peace of mind that users and services have only the necessary permissions.

Data security

Protecting data is paramount in a Kubernetes environment. Implementing robust data encryption methods guarantees that data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

Setting up a secure Kubernetes cluster: Best practices

1. Leverage role-based access control (RBAC)

  • Define roles: Create specific roles that outline permissions for various operations.

  • Create role bindings: Assign roles to users or groups through role bindings.

  • Audit RBAC policies: Review and audit RBAC policies on a regular basis to make sure they meet current security requirements.

The following command creates a role named pod-reader in the default namespace, granting it permissions to get, list, and watch pods:

kubectl create role pod-reader --verb=get --verb=list 
--verb=watch --resource=pods --namespace=default

In order to bind the created pod-reader role to the user jack, you can use the following command: 

kubectl create rolebinding read-pods --role=pod-reader 
--user=jack --namespace=default

2. Use network policies

  • Define ingress and egress rules: Enforce rules about which pods can communicate with each other and which external services they can access.

  • Enforce default deny policies: Implement a default deny-all policy to block all traffic unless explicitly allowed.

  • Regularly update policies: Continuously update network policies to keep up with changes in the application architecture and the threat landscape.

3. Implement namespace isolation

  • Use namespaces for isolation: Organize resources into namespaces to isolate different environments (e.g., development, testing, and production) and teams, reducing the risk of accidental access or interference.

  • Set resource quotas: Apply resource quotas within namespaces to keep one namespace from overconsuming resources and affecting other namespaces.

  • Monitor namespace usage: Regularly monitor and review namespace usage to ensure compliance with organizational policies and best practices.

4. Regularly scan container images

  • Integrate image scanning into the CI/CD pipeline: Ensure all container images are scanned for vulnerabilities during the build process.

  • Use trusted base images: Start with secure and trusted base images to minimize vulnerabilities.

  • Regularly update and patch: Continuously update and patch images to address new vulnerabilities.

5. Secure Kubernetes secrets

  • Use encrypted secrets: Enable encryption for secrets at rest to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Limit secrets access: Restrict access to secrets using RBAC so that only authorized services and users can access them.

  • Avoid storing secrets in config maps: Always use Kubernetes secrets instead of config maps for sensitive data.

Figure 2: Sealed secrets life cycle in DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters (Source: DigitalOcean)

6. Harden Kubernetes clusters

Hardening Kubernetes clusters involves implementing security measures to protect against potential threats and vulnerabilities:

  • Adopt Pod Security Standards (PSS): Define and enforce security policies for pod creation and deployment based on predefined security levels (privileged, baseline, and restricted).

  • Set up the pod security admission controller: Configure and utilize the pod security admission controller to apply pod security standards at the namespace level.

  • Regularly audit security policies: Conduct regular audits of your security policies to ensure they are evolving alongside new threats.

Kubernetes-native security with Wiz

Considering that Kubernetes is the cornerstone of modern cloud-native application infrastructure, safeguarding it is of the utmost importance.This is where Wiz comes into play.

Wiz is a comprehensive cloud security platform designed to enhance the security posture of Kubernetes clusters with several features, including:

  • Deep visibility into Kubernetes configurations and runtime behavior.

  • Continuous monitoring to detect and respond to security threats in real time.

  • Advanced threat detection that leverages AI and machine learning to identify and address risks.

  • Configuration scanning to identify misconfigurations and recommend remediation steps.

  • Runtime security to monitor for suspicious activities and potential breaches.

  • Compliance management to help you adhere to industry standards and best practices.

By leveraging Wiz, you can achieve comprehensive security coverage—from development to production. Want to keep your Kubernetes clusters secure in the face of evolving threats? Schedule a live demo of Wiz today!

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