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On-demand webinar
AI & Cybersecurity: The current state of the art and where we’re headed
With the rise of large language models (LLMs), there's be an explosion of innovation in AI being applied to nearly every domain, from generating beautiful art, to summarizing huge bodies of text, automating sales outreach and customer service, performing scientific research, and more.
It's pretty tough to keep up. Don't worry, tl;dr sec's founder, Clint Gibler, has done the work for you.
He's spent hundreds of hours following how AI is being applied to cybersecurity, and now Clint is going to distill the best articles, papers, and talks across cloud security, web security, AppSec, offensive security and more into one talk so you can rapidly understand the lay of the land.
Watch this on-demand webinar to get a solid understanding of the current landscape, open problems, where things are headed, and tons of links where you can learn more and tools you can immediately start playing with.