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Docker Container Security 101

Docker containers leverage the Docker Engine (a platform built on top of Linux containers) to simplify the software development process.

8 minutes read

Docker containers leverage the Docker Engine (a platform built on top of Linux containers) to simplify the software development process. Like all containers, Docker containers are native features of the Linux kernel that provide lightweight process isolation through namespaces and control groups (cgroups). Docker containers maximize the benefits of containers, helping to streamline the software development life cycle with the following features:

  • Tooling and ecosystem: Docker has a rich ecosystem of tools and services built around it, including Docker Hub for sharing container images, Docker Swarm for container orchestration, and Docker Desktop for local development. This extensive tooling makes Docker containers highly accessible and widely adopted among developers and organizations.

  • Portability: Docker containers are designed to be highly portable and platform-agnostic, allowing them to run consistently across different environments, including Linux, Windows, and Mac. Docker achieves this portability through its container runtime and image format, which abstracts away underlying OS dependencies.

  • Security features: Docker containers provide built-in security features, such as user namespaces, seccomp profiles, and Docker Content Trust (DCT) for image signing and verification. These features mitigate security risks associated with containerization, such as privilege escalation and image tampering.

Of course, Docker containers also provide the fundamental advantages of containers: They are compact, easily movable software packages that include all the components required to run an application, from the code and runtime to system tools. Containers uphold consistency across different environments, streamlining the reliable deployment of applications from development to the production environment. Containers also promote the adoption of microservices architecture, allowing developers to divide complex applications into smaller pieces. Each component can be packaged as a separate container, allowing for greater flexibility, scalability, and ease of maintenance.

Still, containers bring unique security risks: Even though they segment your resources, containers share the same system as the computer they're on. This means risk can spread laterally, so if you use Docker containers, it’s essential to implement a Docker-specific security strategy. Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding Docker container security

When it comes to container security, there’s a lot to think about: Vulnerabilities in container images, insecure configurations, and container breakouts are critical concerns. Weak authentication and misuse of access controls may lead to unauthorized access. Then there’s data exposure, denial of service (DoS) attacks, and untrustworthy Docker images. In this section and the sections that follow, we'll explore the potential risks associated with container vulnerabilities and strategies for mitigating them effectively.

Risks associated with container vulnerabilities

  • Data breaches: Vulnerabilities in containerized applications can lead to data breaches, allowing attackers access to sensitive information. 

  • Compromise of the host system: A vulnerability in a Docker container could potentially allow an attacker to escape the container and gain access to the underlying host system. From there, the attacker could execute arbitrary code, install malware, manipulate system configurations, or launch further attacks against other containers, applications, or infrastructure components hosted on the same system.

  • Service disruption: Exploitation of vulnerabilities in containerized applications can lead to service disruptions or downtime, impacting the availability and performance of critical services and applications. 

  • Malware propagation: Malicious actors may leverage container vulnerabilities to distribute malware within containerized environments. Once a container is compromised, the attacker can use it as a foothold to propagate malware to other containers, systems, or networks.

  • Data loss or corruption: Vulnerabilities in containerized applications could result in data loss or corruption, where critical data stored within containers becomes inaccessible, modified, or deleted.

  • Reputation damage: Security breaches stemming from container vulnerabilities can damage an organization's reputation and erode customer trust.

  • Regulatory non-compliance: Failure to address container vulnerabilities and secure containerized environments can result in regulatory non-compliance with industry-specific regulations and data protection laws.

Docker container security best practices

In this section, you’ll find Docker container security best practices to safeguard your containerized environments. However, keep in mind that it's equally important to secure the host system, whether it’s a virtual machine (VM) or bare metal that runs Docker. A compromised host can jeopardize the security of all containers running on it. To secure the host system, ensure you apply robust security measures, keep the system regularly updated with patches, implement strong access controls, and monitor for suspicious activities. Securing both the host and containers creates a more resilient and secure environment for applications. Now, let’s jump right into the top security best practices for Docker containers:

Image security best practices

By following best practices for image security, organizations can minimize the risk of vulnerabilities and potential security breaches. Here are some key practices to consider:

1. Use only official images and trusted repositories

When selecting Docker images, prioritize official images provided by trusted sources. Official images are maintained by reputable vendors and undergo rigorous testing and security checks, reducing the likelihood they contain vulnerabilities or malicious code. Container registries will provide extra security when running containers in production, so it’s a good idea to keep production images in a private container registry.

Additionally, consider enabling image signing, a feature that allows image publishers to sign their images with cryptographic keys, which provides a mechanism for verifying image authenticity and integrity before deployment.

2. Scan images for vulnerabilities

Implement image scanning tools to detect and remediate vulnerabilities within Docker images before deploying them into production environments. Tools like Wiz, Trivy, and Clair can automatically analyze container images for known vulnerabilities in software packages and dependencies. The shift-left approach, which involves integrating image scanning into the CI/CD pipeline, allows developers to identify and address security issues early in the development life cycle, minimizing the risk of deploying insecure images into production.

It’s easy to add image scanning into your CI/CD pipeline. Here’s an example of using Trivy:

trivy image my-image

3. Regularly update images and dependencies

Stay proactive by regularly updating both Docker base images and their dependencies to the latest versions. Establish a process for monitoring security advisories and releases from upstream repositories, and schedule regular scans and updates for container images to ensure they remain secure over time.

Container configuration best practices

1. Implement the principle of least privilege (PoLP)

Adhere to the principle of least privilege by running Docker containers with the minimum permissions required for their intended functionality. Whenever possible, avoid running containers as the root user because this grants unnecessary privileges and increases the risk of privilege escalation attacks. Instead, configure containers to run as non-root users with limited permissions.

You can run your Docker containers as a non-root user with the following command:

docker run --user 111:111 my-container

If running as non-root is not an option, you can drop all the root user’s capabilities to restrict user actions:

sudo docker run --rm -it --cap-drop ALL my-container sh

2. Reduce your attack surface by minimizing container size

Minimize the attack surface of Docker containers by optimizing their size and minimizing the number of unnecessary components and dependencies included in the container image. Start with minimal base images, such as Alpine Linux, BusyBox, or Google’s distroless base images, and install only essential packages and libraries required for the application to function properly. 

Here’s an example use of a distroless base image for a Go application:

FROM golang:1.20 as build
COPY . .
RUN go mod download
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /app
FROM gcr.io/distroless/static-debian11
COPY --from=build /app /
CMD ["/app"]

3. Utilize namespaces and cgroups effectively

Linux namespaces ensure process and filesystem isolation, maintaining each container's independent environment. Similarly, cgroups allow administrators to allocate and limit system resources, such as CPU, memory, and disk I/O to individual containers, preventing resource contention and ensuring fair resource allocation across containers. You can use Docker commands to limit CPU memory resource usage, restrict device access, and limit the number of processes.

Network security best practices

1. Implement network segmentation

Utilize network segmentation to separate Docker containers and applications based on their security requirements.

Here’s how to create and use a separate network for Docker containers:

docker network create my-new-network
docker run my-container —-network my-new-network

2. Configure firewall rules and network policies

Implement firewall rules and network policies to control inbound and outbound traffic to Docker containers and enforce security policies at the network level. Use firewall solutions like iptables or nftables to filter and block unauthorized network traffic based on source/destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.

Runtime security best practices

1. Leverage container runtime security tools

Utilize container runtime security tools to monitor and protect Docker containers against security threats and suspicious activities. Tools like gVisor and Falco provide runtime security capabilities, including container introspection, anomaly detection, and behavioral analysis. gVisor offers lightweight container sandboxing for enhanced isolation and security, while Falco provides runtime detection and response capabilities, enabling organizations to detect and respond to security incidents in real time.

2. Enforce resource constraints and isolation

Enforce resource constraints and isolation mechanisms to prevent resource abuse and ensure fair allocation of system resources among Docker containers. Use Docker's built-in features, including resource limits (e.g., CPU and memory) and container isolation (e.g., namespaces and cgroups), to restrict container resource usage and isolate containers from each other and the host system. Additionally, consider leveraging container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes to automate resource management and scheduling, optimizing resource utilization while maintaining security and performance.

To add CPU and memory limits to your Docker containers you can use the following command:

docker run --name some-container --cpu=0.5 --memory=128m some-image

3. Monitor container activities for suspicious behavior

Implement continuous monitoring of container activities to detect and respond to suspicious behavior and security threats in real time. Utilize logging, auditing, and monitoring solutions to capture and analyze container logs, events, and metrics for signs of unauthorized access, privilege escalation, or abnormal activity. Configure alerting mechanisms to notify administrators of potential security incidents or policy violations, enabling timely response and remediation actions to mitigate risks and prevent further exploitation.

Secure development practices

1. Follow secure coding practices for containerized applications 

Developing secure containerized applications requires adherence to rigorous coding practices to counter vulnerabilities and safeguard sensitive data. Key practices include implementing robust input validation to thwart injection attacks, employing strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, encrypting communication channels to prevent data interception, implementing comprehensive error handling and logging for incident response, and maintaining secure dependency management by regularly updating and patching components.

2. Incorporate security into the CI/CD pipeline

Integrating security into the CI/CD pipeline through automated security scanning tools ensures continuous monitoring and remediation of vulnerabilities throughout the development life cycle.

3. Conduct static code analysis

Integrate static code analysis tools into the CI/CD pipeline to scan Dockerfiles, application code, and configuration files for potential security vulnerabilities and coding errors. Static code analysis identifies security flaws like insecure coding practices, hardcoded credentials, and known vulnerabilities in dependencies.

4. Scan container images

Integrate container image scanning tools into your CI/CD pipeline to assess Docker images for vulnerabilities and potential security risks. Container image scanners automatically identify vulnerable software packages, libraries, and dependencies within Docker images, providing visibility into potential security issues and enabling developers to prioritize remediation efforts before deploying images into production environments.

5. Make the most of security testing tools and methods

Implement security testing methodologies like penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and fuzz testing as part of the CI/CD pipeline to assess the security posture of Docker containers and applications. Use policy enforcement tools and frameworks to automate security checks, validate configurations, and enforce security controls, minimizing the risk of non-compliance and security breaches.

6. Prioritize continuous monitoring and feedback

Container monitoring is an important means of keeping containers healthy and secure. Integrate security monitoring tools and solutions to collect and analyze security-related data, generate actionable insights, and provide feedback to developers and operators for remediation and improvement.


As we’ve seen, Docker containers have a transformative impact on software development and deployment, offering lightweight, portable, and isolated environments. Still, it’s essential to keep an eye on container security to reduce your attack surface and stay one step ahead of threat actors. That’s where Wiz comes in. Wiz helps developers and organizations implement security rules that cover every aspect of container systems—from building secure images to runtime security scanning. Looking for real-time threat detection for your containers? Schedule a free demo today and see how Wiz can protect everything you build and run in the cloud. 

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