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What is Cloud Threat Modeling?

Cloud threat modeling is a systematic approach designed to uncover, evaluate, and rank the potential security vulnerabilities and dangers unique to cloud-based systems and infrastructure.

8 minutes read

Cloud threat modeling is a systematic approach designed to uncover, evaluate, and rank the potential security vulnerabilities and dangers unique to cloud-based systems and infrastructure. As more organizations embrace cloud computing, it’s increasingly vital to assess and address the unique security challenges presented by these platforms.

Regular cloud threat modeling enables organizations to identify threats quickly, make informed security investments, adhere to regulatory requirements (like HIPAA and GDPR), implement appropriate controls, and respond effectively to emerging risks. This proactive approach is a critical means of maintaining a strong security posture and protecting sensitive data in modern cloud environments. Let’s take a closer look.

Benefits of cloud threat modeling

Here are some key advantages of cloud threat modeling:

  1. Proactive threat identification and mitigation: One of the main benefits of threat modeling for the cloud is that it allows organizations to improve their understanding of a very diverse threat landscape, and they can begin proactively working to identify the most critical risks. Threat modeling also allows for enumerating threats without more invasive methods, like penetration testing. 

  2. Risk-based prioritization: Through threat modeling, organizations can prioritize their security efforts based on the assessed level of risk and focus their resources on addressing the most pressing risks first.

  3. Compliance assurance: Many regulatory frameworks, such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, and GDPR, mandate specific security controls and practices. Cloud threat modeling helps organizations identify gaps in their security posture and implement the necessary controls to ensure compliance with these standards.

  4. Improved collaboration: The threat modeling process fosters communication between development teams, security teams, and other stakeholders. By involving cross-functional teams in the threat modeling exercise, organizations can promote a shared understanding of security requirements, potential risks, and ultimately align their priorities.

  5. Enhanced security posture and attack-surface reduction: Cloud threat modeling proactively identifies and mitigates potential threats, helping organizations strengthen their security posture and reduce the attack surface of their application infrastructure.

When to conduct cloud threat modeling

Cloud threat modeling should be an ongoing process that’s integrated across a variety of scenarios, including:

  • During the design phase of cloud migration or new deployments: Identify risks early to make informed architectural decisions and implement controls upfront, minimizing costly future remediation.

  • Regularly, as an ongoing process: Cloud environments are dynamic. Regular threat modeling ensures promptly identifying and addressing new risks.

  • When significant architecture changes occur: Revisit threat models when introducing new services, integrating third-party tools, or migrating providers.

  • As part of continuous security improvement: Regularly review and update threat models to identify areas for improvement, implement controls, and measure effectiveness.

What are the threat modeling frameworks and methodologies?

When conducting cloud threat modeling, organizations can leverage various frameworks and methodologies to systematically identify, analyze, and prioritize potential threats. Here are some of the most widely adopted approaches:


One approach to threat modeling is STRIDE, a popular threat modeling framework that organizes threats into six main categories:

  • Spoofing: Impersonating a legitimate user, process, or system to gain unauthorized access or perform malicious actions

  • Tampering: Modifying data, code, or configurations in an unauthorized or malicious manner

  • Repudiation: The ability to deny or dispute actions or events, hindering accountability and non-repudiation

  • Information disclosure: Exposing sensitive data or information to unauthorized parties

  • Denial of service: Using various methods, like sending excessive requests or traffic to deny legitimate users

  • Elevation of privilege: Gaining higher privileges or access levels than intended or authorized


DREAD is a risk-assessment model that helps organizations prioritize identified threats based on five factors:

  • Damage: The potential impact or harm caused by a successful exploit

  • Reproducibility: The ease with which an attack can be reproduced or repeated

  • Exploitability: The level of difficulty in exploiting the vulnerability or threat

  • Affected users: The number of users or systems impacted by the threat

  • Discoverability: The likelihood of the threat being discovered and exploited


Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis (PASTA) is another threat-modeling framework. PASTA follows a seven-step process:

Step 1Define objectives
Step 2Define technical scope
Step 3Application decomposition
Step 4Threat analysis
Step 5Vulnerability and attack modeling
Step 6Risk and impact analysis
Step 7Risk mitigation planning

Hybrid approaches tailored for cloud environments

While the above frameworks provide solid foundations, many organizations opt for hybrid approaches that combine elements from different methodologies and tailor them to their specific cloud environments. This customization can involve:

  • Incorporating cloud-specific threat categories or risk factors

  • Adapting risk-assessment criteria to align with cloud security best practices

  • Integrating automated tools and processes for continuous monitoring and threat detection

  • Aligning threat-modeling activities with cloud service provider guidelines and security controls

Steps to conduct cloud threat modeling

Regardless of the framework you choose, cloud threat modeling involves taking a systematic approach to finding and mitigating potential security risks. Here are the key steps to follow:

1. Define the system scope and boundaries

  • Identify cloud components, services, and interactions: Catalog all the cloud services, applications, and components that make up the system, as well as their interactions and dependencies.

  • Determine trust boundaries: Pinpoint the trust boundaries within the system, such as between on-premises and cloud environments, or between different cloud services.

2. Identify assets and data flows

  • Catalog sensitive data and critical assets: Analyze and document sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, or intellectual property, as well as critical assets like databases, storage systems, and key management services.

  • Map data flows between components and services: Trace the flow of data between different components and services, including data ingress, processing, storage, and egress points.

3. Find potential threats using chosen framework

  • Apply STRIDE, DREAD, or other methodologies: Systematically analyze the system components and data flows using the chosen framework to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities.

  • Consider cloud-specific threats and attack vectors: Account for cloud-specific threats, such as infrastructure misconfigurations, insecure APIs, unauthorized access to cloud resources, and supply chain attacks.

4. Analyze and prioritize risks based on likelihood and impact

  • Assess the probability and potential consequences of each threat: Evaluate the likelihood of each threat occurring and the potential consequences, such as data breaches, service disruptions, or regulatory fines.

  • Prioritize risks based on risk matrix or other criteria: Utilize a risk matrix or other prioritization criteria to score the identified risks based on potential severity and impact.

5. Develop mitigation strategies and security controls

  • Identify appropriate security measures for each threat: Determine the most effective security controls and mitigation strategies to address each identified threat, such as implementing access controls, encrypting data, or deploying security monitoring tools.

  • Leverage cloud-native security features and services: Utilize the security features and services provided by the cloud service provider, such as managed firewalls, network security groups, and security monitoring and logging services.

6. Document and communicate findings to stakeholders

  • Create a threat-model report or diagram: Produce a comprehensive report or visual diagram that documents the system scope, identified threats, risk analysis, and recommended mitigation strategies.

  • Present results to development, operations, and management teams: Share the threat-modeling results with development teams, operations teams, and management to ensure alignment and facilitate the implementation of recommended security controls.

A real-world cloud threat modeling scenario in AWS

To illustrate the practical application of cloud threat modeling, let's consider a real-world scenario involving a customer-facing web application hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The application follows a typical three-tier architecture, consisting of the

  1. Load balancer layer: An Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) acts like a traditional hardware load balancer or reverse proxy, distributing traffic to backend services in software application infrastructure.

  2. Compute layer: A fleet of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances runs the application logic and handles user requests.

  3. Data layer: An Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instance stores critical customer data, such as personal information and payment details.

The purpose of this application is to provide a customer-facing web interface where users can browse products, place orders, and manage their accounts. The application processes and stores sensitive customer data, making security a critical concern.

Identification of assets, data flows, and potential entry points

To conduct effective threat modeling, we need to identify the critical assets, data flows, and potential entry points within the AWS environment:

  • Sensitive data: From the initial design specification, we know that the RDS instance has sensitive PII in it, making it one of the most critical assets in the application.

  • Data flows: Data flows between the EC2 instances and the RDS database, as well as between the load balancer and the EC2 instances. Additionally, customer data is transmitted from user devices to the load balancer.

  • Potential entry points: The load balancer and EC2 instances represent potential entry points for attackers, as they are exposed to the internet. The RDS database could also be a target if misconfigured or accessed without proper authentication.

Application of a threat-modeling framework to identify risks

To identify potential threats, we can apply the STRIDE framework:

  • Spoofing: Unauthorized access to the application or AWS resources through stolen credentials or identity spoofing

  • Tampering: Modification of application code, configurations, or data in transit or at rest

  • Repudiation: Lack of proper logging and auditing mechanisms, making it difficult to attribute actions to specific users or entities

  • Information disclosure: Exposure of sensitive customer data due to misconfigurations, insecure APIs, or data leaks

  • Denial of service: Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks targeting the load balancer or EC2 instances, leading to service disruptions

  • Elevation of privilege: Unauthorized escalation of privileges within the AWS environment, potentially leading to data breaches or system compromises

Additionally, we should consider AWS-specific risks, such as misconfigurations in IAM policies, security groups, or encryption settings, which could expose the environment to potential threats.

Analysis and prioritization of identified threats

After identifying potential threats, we need to analyze and prioritize them based on their likelihood and potential impact on the business:

  • High priority: Threats related to data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive customer information, or service disruptions that could lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, or regulatory fines

  • Medium priority: Threats that could result in data tampering, repudiation issues, or minor service disruptions but with a lower potential impact on the business

  • Low priority: Threats with a relatively low likelihood of occurrence or minimal potential impact on the business

Recommended mitigation strategies and security controls

To mitigate the identified risks, we can implement the following AWS security best practices and services:

  • Identity access management (IAM): Leverage least-privilege access policies and multi-factor authentication, and conduct regular reviews of IAM roles and permissions.

  • Encryption: Encrypt data at rest (ideally using customer-managed keys via AWS KMS) and in transit (using SSL/TLS) to protect sensitive customer information.

  • Network security: Configure security groups and network ACLs to restrict access to AWS resources, and implement a virtual private cloud (VPC) for secure communication between components.

  • Logging and monitoring: Enable AWS CloudTrail for auditing and monitoring of API calls, and configure Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and alerting on infrastructure events and behavior.

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Deploy AWS WAF to protect the application from common web-based attacks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and DDoS attacks.

How Wiz supports cloud threat modeling

Threat modeling doesn’t have to be difficult, and you don’t have to go it alone. Enter Wiz. Wiz offers a comprehensive cloud security platform that enhances your cloud threat-modeling efforts through:

Comprehensive analysis of cloud environments

Figure 1: The Wiz Security Graph
  • Automated discovery and mapping of cloud assets and configurations, ensuring complete visibility into your cloud footprint

  • Identification of potential misconfigurations and vulnerabilities across cloud resources

Risk identification across multiple categories

Figure 2: Wiz’s CSPM tools in action
  • Assessment of risks related to IAM, networking, data storage, and more

  • Continuous monitoring for new or evolving threats with real-time alerts

Prioritization of risks based on toxic combinations

  • Correlation of risk factors to identify high-risk scenarios

  • Prioritized remediation focusing on the most critical risks

Contextual risk factors for holistic threat visibility

Figure 3: Reduce alert fatigue with contextual risk-based prioritization
  • Correlation of cloud-specific risks with external threat intelligence and security events

  • Enrichment of threat data with contextual information for better decision-making

Wiz isn’t just for AWS either, we also support Google Cloud and Azure. Ready to learn how Wiz can revolutionize your threat modeling for the cloud? Schedule a free demo today to see our comprehensive cloud vulnerability management in action.

Ruthless risk prioritization

See how Wiz analyzes configurations, vulnerabilities, network settings, identities, access, and secrets to discover critical issues that combined represent real risk

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