AWS Vulnerability Management Best Practices [Cheat Sheet]

Tired of chasing hidden vulnerabilities in your AWS environments? Our cheat sheet offers actionable steps to identify, assess, and mitigate critical AWS vulnerabilities.

What is a Vulnerability Management Program?

A vulnerability management program is a structured, continuous approach to identifying, evaluating, and mitigating security weaknesses across an organization's IT ecosystem.

Wiz Experts Team
6 minutes read

A vulnerability management program is a structured, continuous approach to identifying, evaluating, and mitigating security weaknesses across an organization's IT ecosystem. Well-designed vulnerability management programs not only strengthen an organization's security posture but also provide a systematic framework for optimizing threat prevention and mitigation.

Components of a vulnerability management program

Vulnerability management programs consist of four critical components: identification, prioritization, remediation, validation, and communication/reporting. We’ll take a look at each of these in detail in the following sections.

Vulnerability identification

Many different types of security vulnerabilities can exist in IT environments, like software flaws and bugs, misconfigurations in systems or applications, vulnerabilities in third-party dependencies, outdated or end-of-life systems, weak or default credentials, and insecure protocols or services.

Effective vulnerability identification finds these risks and forms the foundation of any successful vulnerability management program. Identifying vulnerabilities involves several critical elements:

  • Asset inventory and discovery: Before vulnerabilities can be identified, organizations must have a complete and up-to-date asset inventory that includes hardware, software, cloud resources, and even shadow IT. Continuous asset discovery is especially important in cloud environments, where new assets are frequently added or removed.

  • Vulnerability scanning tools and techniques: Several tools and techniques can identify security vulnerabilities across an organization’s infrastructure, including:

  • Continuous monitoring: While periodic vulnerability scans provide point-in-time assessments, ongoing monitoring offers real-time visibility into an organization's security posture. Many organizations adopt a hybrid approach, combining regular scans with continuous monitoring for critical assets.

Vulnerability prioritization

After vulnerabilities are identified, the next step is prioritization. Prioritization typically involves assessing various factors to determine the potential impact and likelihood of exploitation for each vulnerability. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is widely used as a standardized method for rating the severity of vulnerabilities. However, CVSS scores alone are not sufficient for effective prioritization.

Organizations must also consider the business context of affected assets. A vulnerability on a production server, for instance, may pose a much higher risk than the same vulnerability on a non-essential development system.

Consider these factors when making decisions about vulnerability prioritization:

Figure 2: CVSS Version 4.0 Calculator (Source: NIST)


Conventional vulnerability management tools frequently overwhelm organizations with an abundance of vulnerability alerts that lack crucial context, making it challenging to prioritize and address the most critical issues effectively. Modern, risk-based approaches (like those discussed above) provide context to identify vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk, allowing for much more granular and targeted remediation efforts.

Other remediation processes have evolved over time too. Traditionally, security teams would identify and prioritize vulnerabilities, while IT operations often handled the actual implementation of fixes. Modern organizations typically adopt a more integrated approach, where security is a shared responsibility across the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC)

In this model, developers, operations teams, and security professionals collaborate closely, embedding security practices into every stage of the development and deployment process. This shift-left approach can enable faster remediation and reduce inter-team friction.

Common remediation actions include: 

  • Applying security patches 

  • Updating packages and dependencies to newer versions

  • Reconfiguring systems or applications to eliminate misconfiguration vulnerabilities 

  • Implementing compensating controls when direct fixes are not possible 

Once fixes have been applied, they must be verified and validated to ensure that the vulnerability has been addressed correctly.

Figure 3: The Wiz Threat Center dashboard

The final component of a vulnerability management program, often overlooked but crucial for success, is communication and reporting.

Benefits of reporting

Modern vulnerability management platforms synthesize data from a variety of scanning sources, highlighting trends and changes over time. This approach provides deeper, more actionable vulnerability assessments compared to the static snapshots generated by legacy systems.

Key aspects of communication and reporting include:

  • Stakeholder engagement: Regular communication with various stakeholders, including IT teams, security personnel, and management, ensures everyone is aligned on the program's progress and priorities.

  • Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs): Establishing and tracking relevant metrics helps measure the program's effectiveness. Common KPIs include mean time to remediate (MTTR), vulnerability density, risk reduction over time, and compliance with SLAs.

  • Regular status updates and trend analysis: Providing regular updates on the state of vulnerabilities and analyzing trends over time helps stakeholders understand the evolving risk landscape and the program's impact.

  • Incident response integration: Vulnerability management should be closely integrated with incident response processes to ensure rapid action is taken during exploitation attempts.

Best practices for implementing a new vulnerability management program

Implementing a new vulnerability management program can be a complex undertaking. To ensure success, implement the following best practices:

1. Gain executive support and establish clear ownership

Before launching a vulnerability management program, it's crucial to secure buy-in from executive leadership. This support ensures the program receives necessary resources and attention. Next, to maintain accountability and drive consistent progress, designate a clear owner or team responsible for the program's success.

2. Start with a comprehensive asset inventory

Implement automated tools to continuously discover and catalog assets across your network, cloud environments, and development pipelines. Use API integrations with cloud providers and configuration management databases (CMDBs) to maintain an up-to-date inventory. Also remember to establish a tagging system to categorize assets by criticality, business unit, or compliance requirements, enabling more targeted vulnerability assessments and prioritization.

3. Implement a risk-based approach to prioritization

Create a tailored risk-scoring model that goes beyond CVSS scores to incorporate your organization's specific risk factors. Include weighted criteria such as data sensitivity, operational impact, and regulatory requirements. Next, regularly review and adjust this model with input from business stakeholders to ensure it aligns with evolving organizational priorities. When you use this custom scoring system to automatically categorize and prioritize vulnerabilities, teams can focus on the most critical issues first.

4. Automate processes where possible

Relying on manual processes and intervention for addressing security vulnerabilities doesn’t cut it, particularly in modern cloud environments. You need solutions that scale as your organization grows, so look for opportunities to automate routine tasks like vulnerability scanning, report generation, and even certain aspects of remediation. Automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error and ensures consistency in your processes.

5. Integrate with existing security tools and workflows

Your vulnerability management process shouldn't operate in isolation. Integrate it with your existing security tools and workflows to create a cohesive security ecosystem. This might include connecting management systems with your SIEM, ticketing system, patch management tools, and DevOps pipelines. 

6. Establish clear policies and procedures

Establish and formalize a set of guidelines and workflows that define how your organization approaches vulnerability management. These documented processes should serve as a roadmap for all stakeholders team members involved in the program and should cover aspects such as scanning frequency, remediation timelines, exception handling, and escalation processes. Well-defined policies ensure consistency in your approach and provide clear guidelines for all involved parties.

7. Provide training and awareness programs for staff

The success of your vulnerability management program relies on the people implementing it. Provide comprehensive training for staff directly involved in the program, covering tools, processes, and best practices. Additionally, conduct broader awareness programs for all employees to help them understand their role in securing systems and the necessity of promptly reporting potential vulnerabilities.

Challenges in implementing vulnerability management programs

While there are obvious benefits to a good vulnerability management program, implementing and maintaining such a program is not without obstacles. Organizations often struggle with resource constraints—keeping pace with the dynamic attack surface of something like a cloud platform is difficult without dedicated resources and investment in InfoSec, which isn’t always possible.

Another common challenge is dealing with legacy systems that may be difficult or impossible to patch. In such cases, organizations must find alternative ways to mitigate risks, such as network segmentation or additional monitoring.

Then there’s the complexity of managing the sheer volume of vulnerabilities discovered, especially in large environments. This is where effective prioritization becomes non-negotiable. Without a way to focus on the most critical issues, security teams can quickly become overwhelmed.

Wiz’s approach to vulnerability management

Example of Wiz's Vulnerability Dashboard

As we’ve seen, a good vulnerability management program is crucial for protecting critical assets and strengthening an organization's security posture. At Wiz, we've developed a cloud-native vulnerability management solution that addresses the common challenges organizations face when implementing and maintaining effective vulnerability management programs.

Our approach offers:

  • Comprehensive cloud infrastructure visibility

  • Contextual risk assessment and prioritization

  • Agentless scanning

  • Seamless integration with existing workflows

  • Continuous monitoring with real-time alerts

  • Automated remediation recommendations

While implementing vulnerability management can be challenging, it’s worth the effort. Maintaining a strong security posture should be one of the highest priorities for any organization, and with Wiz's all-in-one platform, organizations can build an effective program that adapts to their changing needs and emerging security threats. See for yourself: Schedule a free demo today.

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